its like the titanic! you've sunk the ship! it's grey and full of water! NOOOOO!
hello! thanks for visiting my website! my name is gill.
this website is very much a WIP! i am brand new to neocities. in highschool i loved to make my own websites like this, but it's been a long time!
i came here to compile some of my interests and have my own little home on the web. i hope you have fun exploring my little sea station!
12/3/2023: added barry, pics, and skull pages
12/2/2023: site overhaul. redid the layout, added all existing pages, and filled out the yiddish resources!
12/2/2023: site overhaul. redid the layout, added all existing pages, and filled out the yiddish resources!
here are some topics you can expect to find here!
- Yiddish language revival
- fiber arts
- marine bio
- geology
- dungeons and dragons
- planes and trains
- music
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